Building a walkway with pavers can add both functionality and aesthetic appeal to your outdoor space. Whether you're creating a simple garden path or an intricate design, knowing how to calculate the number of pavers you need is crucial to ensure you have enough materials to complete your project without unnecessary waste. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of calculating the number of pavers required for your walkway.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Pavers

1. Measure the Area of the Walkway

Start by measuring the length and width of the walkway where you plan to install the pavers. If your walkway is not a perfect rectangle, try breaking it down into smaller rectangular sections and measure each section separately. Multiply the length by the width to get the total square footage of the walkway.

2. Determine the Size of Your Pavers

Pavers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Determine the dimensions of the paver you intend to use. For example, if you're using a standard 12-inch by 12-inch paver, each paver covers 1 square foot. If the pavers are not square, multiply the length by the width of the paver to determine the area it covers.

3. Calculate the Number of Pavers Needed

To find out how many pavers you need, divide the total square footage of the walkway by the area covered by one paver. If you're using different sizes or patterns, the calculation might be more complex, and you should account for any gaps or overlap in your design.

4. Consider Extra Pavers for Cutting and Wastage

It's essential to purchase more pavers than the exact number required to account for cutting, breakage, and future repairs. A good rule of thumb is to buy an additional 10-15% more pavers than the calculated amount.

Paver Calculator


Calculating the number of pavers needed for a walkway doesn't have to be a daunting task. By measuring the area of your walkway, understanding the size of the pavers, and factoring in some extra for cuts and waste, you can ensure you have the right amount of material to complete your project. Use our simple calculator above to get an estimate and start planning your beautiful new walkway today!